Search Results
Trapping 2 sounders of wild hogs. Giant hog and 6.5 creedmoor action.
Trapped and hunted 2 huge boars. 6.5 creedmoor.
Trapping more muddy wild hogs at the duck hole. 6.5 creedmoor boar.
Trapped a huge greedy wild boar hog.
Trapped wild hogs inside city limits. Bow hunting hogs.
Trapped a BIG boar hog and got truck stuck
Trapped a Big boar and his sounder. Double drop on the club. (80th hog)
Trapped a lonesome boar hog and HUGE surprise.
New RECORD with triple wild hog catch. Big boar. Big sounders.
104 wild hogs have been caught. But we had to weld the trap together.
The last big boar hog. Plus a bonus boar hog.
Trapped 2 giant boar hogs with sharp cutters